“Lost and Found” by Mary Lou Quinn is an engrossing story that always offers surprises and unexpected twists. The well-developed characters feed real, like they could walk in my door at any minute. Their small-town language provides colourful conversations that are sandwiched between descriptions of the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Margaret Mary Murphy.
Maggie is a woman in search of herself. Most stories about addiction end when the person sobers up. “Lost and Found” explores the journey afterwards. Maggie’s struggle to find her true self is supported by her friends in recovery. She faces challenges including life and death situations that conspire to lead her back to her old life of substance abuse and despair. Will she survive in sobriety?
Can she find the serenity and sense of belonging that we alf seek?
The author says she plans a sequel. | am looking forward fo the next baok, not only because expect it will be an exciting, interesting novel, but because this kind of story fills a void in the recovery literature. More than that, | expect the next book, like “Lost and Found,” will help me and
other readers, suffering from addiction or not, in our search for ourselves
Anne Fines
This book captured my intrest from the very start
and had my imagination wondering what was going
to happen next. The descriptions of the locations
and people were very vivid and real to life. I am
walting for the sequel to be made available to
discover where the misguided school teacher ends
up. Hopefully she will find happiness.
Mrs. Clause
” Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. “
Eliana Stout, Financial INC
This book is a must read!it Quinn is a perceptive,
captivating, and intuitive author. Don’t miss this
Bob Jean
I really liked this book. I am looking forward to more books by Mary Lou Quinn. For a first novel it was well written. I have saying, “Life too short to read a bad book”. If it doesn’t hold interest in the first chapter or two, I don’t finish it… I couldn’t wait to finish this book. Well done.
Excellent book! Kept my attention all the way through and left me looking for a sequel. First of what I hope is a string of books from the budding new author!
James B. Bridger Sr
This is a book challenge assumptions and invite depth
Margaret Mary Murphy has all the personal foibles if fear and humour and courage. Ultimately, it is the courage that shines – and the compassion
Mary Lou Quinn has written a fine book!
Thank you